President's Letter — St. Lucie Audubon Society

April newsletter now available


Our regular meetings and activities wind down for the summer after our last meeting on May 5th.  We have had an extraordinary season this year with challenges from the pandemic, to successes with memberships and meetings held on Zoom and Facebook and in person.  Our team of Officers and Program Chairs have been awesome, and we have held together to provide very interesting meetings with learned presenters and different topics to appeal to many of our members.

There are plans already in motion for next season which will begin in October.  Though we are not meeting during the June to October time frame, we are still doing Audubon business and we keep in touch when important items come up that need our attention. We answer our voice mail inquiries and respond to people who send in emails with questions.  Please feel free to contact us via our website anytime if you have any questions or comments that you want to bring to us. Our website is kept up to date by our board and our webmaster, Mary Dodge.  Thanks Mary, for your time and professionalism, as you assist us with keeping our members and the public informed on activities and birds of interest.

I want to remind you all that we have received donations from our use of Smile.Amazon over this last season.  Please remember when you are ordering online with Amazon, just use the Smile.Amazon website and choose St. Lucie Audubon as your non-profit of choice.  Without you paying any more for your order, Amazon sends us a percentage of all our orders on a quarterly basis.  This donation is growing as more of us are remembering to use this way to order online.  This is a Win-Win for Amazon and us!  Please use it and let’s get even more donations as we go through the summer months.

Our last event for the season was Earth Day, held on 4/23 at the Oxbow Eco-Center.  We were able to inform people about our chapter and hopefully educate some of the children who visited our booth.  Thanks to all the volunteers who helped that day including Tom and JoAnn Stillman, Diane Goldberg, Marjorie Flory, Kathi Weissberger and husband, Adella Blacka, Matthew Anderson, and Jan Nuhn. 

We wish everyone a summer full of birds and exploration.

Ellen Lynch, President
