St. Lucie Audubon Society

March newsletter now available

Visit our YouTube Channel

Videos especially for and by St. Lucie Audubon are being collected and shared on our own YouTube Channel. Compiled by SLA Board Member John Nelson, these will be a chance to share videos of special interest to our group.

Travel Down Memory Lane with Hart Rufe

Birding advice by the late St. Lucie Audubon columnist Hart Rufe is timeless. His columns and fantastic photographs continue to educate and charm area … and far-flung … birders.

Those who want more of his work are invited to check out his book.

Hart’s columns and a link to purchase his book.


Any time is a good time to join or donate. And is this the year you consider being a sponsor? Experienced birdwatcher or a newcomer, you’ll have a lot of fun, learn loads and see plenty of birds when you join with other members to share knowledge of the nature that surrounds us. We visit area birding sites on field trips, have informative speakers at meetings and get together at other events.



Links to other organizations will help you expand your knowledge. Looking for a digital field guide or book? We’ve got some ideas. And don’t forget your St. Lucie County Bird Check List. Read our mission and check out our goals. Join us as we work to preserve the varied environments of St. Lucie County.



Check these out whether you want to know what’s coming up or learn more about our local nature. Check out what’s happening with SLAS in our President’s Letter or SLAS News. Keep up with environmental and conservation news in On the Fly with Ruth. Learn more about birding and local birds in the Hart Beat, past columns and a downloadable version of his book. Check out our Laughing Gull newsletter, current and back issues.


Area environmental and wildlife organizations would love to have us take part in their events. Find out about what is going on in the area and give them your support. Check regularly under Events/Elsewhere. Make new friends for yourself and the St. Lucie Audubon Society. Support local efforts to protect the environment on our Take Action page.